
Thursday, March 17, 2016

Anisodontea capensis 'El Rayo'

Anisodontea capensis 'El Rayo'
A compact flowering evergreen shrub that blooms for several months. This plant is in USDA / Sunset Zone 9. Started blooming in February with no apparent aversion to light frost.
Grows relatively fast to 3' x 3' with arching branches. Flower is darker than shown, was taken in morning sun. Tropical looking flower is about 2" across and leaf size of about 4" x 4". 
Offers the Hibiscus look with a more compact size, long blooming cycle.
In Zone 9, almost always has some bloom on it. Observed one planted with some afternoon shade. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

MWELO - Guide to water use by plants

Landscape Design & Installation Update in California 
2015 Updated MWELO
"Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance"

For complete information regarding this updated ordinance, please visit 
'Department of Water Resources' for further guidance.

For Roseville Home Owners, you call also visit your city's site: